"Learn APL" Notes

"Learn APL" Notes

I use this page as reference card when I have any doubts about the APL language.

This file follows APL Wiki's APL Tutorial and Further Topics in APL guides, plus occasional extra looks at TryAPL for missing stuff on certain symbols (I made sure it was compatible with GNU APL).

I do not guarantee a comprehensive guide to APL here. This is mainly for future consulting.

Plus, make sure you are using a monospace font which supports APL characters!

Also see the GNU APL Manual.

Back to last page

Table of Contents

Getting Started


Let's make sure our file executes. Executing the tangled file will run everything done in the tutorial.

Also, for live interaction, use gnu-apl-interactive-send-*.

#!/usr/bin/apl --id 1010

Oh, and just so you know, use a unicode font which supports this stuff.

Simple arithmetic

Use at the beginning of any comment.

⍝⍝⍝ Getting started

⍝⍝ This is a comment.
⍝⍝ Check the GNU APL keyboard for shortcut hints
⍝⍝ at any time.

Simple Arithmetic

Arithmetic functions




Use - for subtraction, and ¯ for negative signal.


Arithmetic on lists of numbers

3+2 4 11 7 5

Spot the difference on applying a sum to each element and applying a sum on two numbers:

1+2 3 4

Lists can be on either side of the sign.

6 3 8 1+3
2.5 33.7 12 8÷15
9.8 11.2 17 1.2×1.175

It is possible to perform arithmetic between two lists in a per-element basis, but only if their length matches.

12 3 29 4×1 3 5 2

Order of execution

APL runs stuff from right to left, since there are so many functions on the language.


That is because APL groups things from right to left as well.

2 3 1+8÷2 2 2

If you need to make things unambiguous, use parentheses.

(2 3 1+82 2 2

Remember again the difference between - and ¯!

1985 - 1066       Difference of two numbers
3 ¯1 ¯7 + ¯4 ¯1 2 Sum between two lists with negative numbers

2-3+5             This does 3+5, then does 2-8
2 ¯3+5            This adds 5 to the number list 2 ¯3

Dual-purpose functions

Some functions can be used for more than one purpose.

When used in infix notation, ordinary operations have their intended effect:

1 3 4+3 1 6

You can, however, use the functions in prefix notation, which will change their effect.

+ appears to do nothing. Its true usage happens for assignment, which we'll see next.


- inverts the signal of al numbers on the list.

- 3 ¯6 ¯8 4 12 ¯9

÷ takes the reciprocal of all numbers (divides 1 by them).

÷1 2 4 10 100

× takes the sign of each number from the list. Yields 1 for positive numbers, ¯1 for negative, and 0 for zero.

×8 0 ¯3 ¯7 0 4

There is no definition for postfix operators; that would be a syntax error.

Ceiling and floor

  • rounds a number up;
  • rounds a number down.

To perform accurate rounding, you may want to use one of the following patterns:

120.11 12.32 65.01 13.52 - 0.599.99 12.82 15.39 48.90 + 0.5

When using those operators under an infix form, selects the greatest number, while selects the smallest number.


One can also use these operations to perform comparisions between lists of numbers.

6 8 13 5 9
6 8 13 5 9

Ending a session

If you want to end a session, use


This will not be tangled.


  • Q1

    Enter statements to:

    • Multiply each of three numbers, 3 6 2 by 8 and then add 4 to the results of the multiplication.
    4 + 8 × 3 6 2
    • Add 15% to each number in the list 14 5 78 145.
    1.15 × 14 5 78 145
    • Add the difference between 13 and 8 to 4 6 12 7.
    (13 - 8) + 4 6 12 7
    4 6 12 7 + 13 - 8
    • Multiply the result of 6 times 3 by the result of 4 times 8 and subtract 5 from the total.
    ((6 × 3) × (4 × 8)) - 5
    • Reverse the signs in this list: 3 ¯4 ¯12 6
    - 3 ¯4 ¯12 6
    • Compare these lists, selecting the larger number in each comparision:
      • 2 7 0 55
      • 33 1 10 13
    2 7 0 5533 1 10 13
  • Q2

    Which of these statements cause error messages? Why?

    • Statement a is a valid multiplication between 12 and 9.
    • Statement b is a valid sum between 3 and ¯2.
    • Statement c produces a LENGTH ERROR because 19 0 3 4 and 7 2 87 are lists of different lengths.
    • 5 ¯8 is a valid list of two numbers; it may be unintended, though.
  • Q3

    You're getting £200 worth of dollars for yourself and £180 and £230 worth respectively for two friends. Enter a statement which calculates how many dollars each of you will get at 1.96 dollars to the pound.

    200 180 230×1.96
  • Q4

    Highest recorded temperatures for a week in August were:

    • 79 84 83 78 74 69 70 (Fahrenheit)

    Enter a statement to convert them into Centigrade. (One method is to subtract 32 degrees and multiply by 5/9.) Suppress decimal places in the result.

    ⌊((79 84 83 78 74 69 70-325÷9)+0.5
    ⌈¯0.5+(5÷979 84 83 78 74 69 70-32
  • Q5

    Enter a statement to find the difference in metres between 1500 metres and a mile. (1 yard = 0.9144m and 1760 yards in a mile)





An assignment can be done with a variable name and a symbol.

A ← .175

This enables A to be used in expressions.

A×30.50 12.25 60.30 15.00
⌈ A×30.50 12.25 60.30 15.00

C is the conversion factor for fonverting pounds to kilograms.

C ← .45359237
17 × C        Convert 17 lbs into Kg
⌈C×11×14      How many Kgs are there in 11 stones,
              then round up

To keep a calculation, we then use variables.

JOE ← ⌈C×11×14

Variable names

Valid statements:

AAA ← 4
ab ← 1
C9999 ← 0
Jack_Smith ← 100

Which denotes that APL is case sensitive.

Also, APL doesn't have bare words as variable names:


However, using parentheses will create two identical variables with the same value. This happens in both GNU APL and Dyalog.

(JOHN SMITH) ← 100 Creates JOHN with value 100
                   and SMITH with value 100

And if you start a variable name with a single number, the number will be printed right after the value, which is assigned to the variable name that follows:


Assigning lists to variables

PRICE ← 12.45 5.60 5.99 7.75
+VAT   ← PRICE × A A was assigned earlier

The + operator, when put before an assignment, forces a declarative behaviour on the assigned variable – in other words, forces the variable to be displayed.

Using an unassigned variable causes a VALUE ERROR.

System commands

The )OFF command has already been presented earlier.

)VARS lists all variables in the workspace.


)WSID shows the identity of the current workspace, which defaults to CLEAR WS.


This command can also be used to change the identity of the workspace; we change its name to NEW. The variables in it won't change.


To remove the variables (and the name), we can use )CLEAR.


Character assignments

APL doesn't only deals with numbers, it can also deal with text. Just apply quotes.


To insert quotes inside the text, use ''.


Other way to do that is by using double quotes around the characters.


Consider the following variables.

QTY ← '230'

Attempting to perform arithmetic on text generates a DOMAIN ERROR:


Multiple assignments

One can assign one value to multiple variables at the same time:

(ZAK YAK) ← 5

Or assign many values to many variables at the same time too:

(YEN MARK BUCK) ← 10 20 30

Displaying variables together

This part is straightforward.

N 10

X ← 18
Y ← 3 1985


'NET PRICE: ' 10

Joining lists

When writing X Y, these values were joined in a list of two elements. The first element was the number in X, the second was the two-element list in Y.

Let's store this result.

Z ← X Y

Operations done in Z will not affect X and Y (also notice how +10 maps elegantly into sublists!!!):

Z ← Z+10

Example with characters.


Notice, though, that NAME is a list of two elements, each being a list of characters; this is called a nested variable.

  • Extra stuff

    This was learned from experimentation:

    The operator (rho) gives us the number of elements in a nested variable, when used in prefix form.

    In its infix form, takes a number (left) of elements from the nested variable (right).


Joining and merging variables

The comma (,) allows APL to catenate lists.


One can see that the variable indeed became a non-nested list of 11 characters.


Simple and nested variables

Single numbers (separated by spaces) and characters make up lists.

PIERRE ← 1 2 3 4

Numbers enclosed in parentheses are treated as single items, so now PIERRE will be a list, containing two lists.

PIERRE ← (1 2 3) (4 5 6 7)

A list of character lists is easier, just enclose each sublist in quotes (if you were to put it in a single, simple list, you'd put everyone under the same quotes anyway):


Mixed variables

This is not good for arithmetic, but it's useful to store characters and numbers together.

PHONES ← 'BILL' 577332 'FRANK' 886331


Let's start with a clean workspace.

  • Q1

    Enter statements which:

    • Assign the numbers 22 2 2007 to three variables called respectively D, M and Y.
    (D M Y) ← 22 2 2007
    • Assign the characters TODAY'S DATE: to a variable called DATE.
    DATE ← 'TODAY''S DATE: '
    • Produce the display: TODAY'S DATE: 22 2 2007
    DATE D M Y
  • Q2

    Set up a variable CONV which contains a constant for converting pounds to kilos. (1lb = 0.454Kg and 14lb = 1 stone). Use CONV to convert your weight (to the nearest stone) into kilograms. Reduce the result by 10%, round it down, and display it.

    1 stone = 14 lbs.
    1 lb    = 0.454 Kg.
    Let's pretend I weight 11.5 stones.
    CONV     ← .454
    MYWEIGHT ← ⌊11.5×CONV×14×.9
  • Q3

    The cost prices of four items of stock are £8, 6, 12, 4 respectively. The markup on these items is 100%. Three other items cost respectively £16, 13 and 7. Their markup is 75%. Calculate the fully inclusive price of each item (with VAT at 17%). Display the prices (rounded up) with the caption: 'PRICE+VAT: '

    ITEMS_A ← 2×8 6 12 4
    ITEMS_B ← 1.75×16 13 7
    ITEMS   ← ⌈1.17×ITEMS_A,ITEMS_B
  • Q4

    TEST1 contains a student's exam marks for each of seven subjects (65 72 54 80 67 60 59). TEST2 contains his marks for the same subjects gained at a different test (75 70 60 74 58 61 50). Produce a list consisting of his higher mark for each subject.

    TEST1 ← 65 72 54 80 67 60 59
    TEST2 ← 75 70 60 74 58 61 50
    TEST1 ⌈ TEST2
  • Q5

    Which of the following will produce error messages? Why?

    • The expression RATE ← '3.7×3' is a valid assignment of a list of characters, though it might be a logic error.
    • The expression 10+10 '←21' produces a DOMAIN ERROR, because it tries to sum 10 over a list containing the number 10 and the list of characters '←21', which cannot perform arithmetic operations.
    • The expression 100×RATE produces a DOMAIN ERROR, because it tries to multiply by 100 over a list containing characters (RATE), which cannot perform arithmetic operations.
    • The expression SYMBOLS ← '¯<≤=≥' is perfectly valid and creates a list of characters. But it might not be supported by some APL implementations (GNU APL supports it).
    • The expression 3+'232' produces a DOMAIN ERROR, because it tries to sum 3 over a list of characters, which cannot perform arithmetic operations.


From now on, we clear the variables and the workspace across chapters.



We won't be typing a lot of things here, that is insane! Let's see how to generate our tables.


The Roll function

? is the Roll function, also called Random or Deal.

This generates numbers on range 1 to 100:

? 100

The two-argument form generates a list of n (left) unique numbers from 1 to m (right):

50 ? 100

In fact, it should always be true that n ≤ m, since the generated numbers are unique. If not, we'll have a DOMAIN ERROR.

Both n and m can be replaced by variables as well.

The Iota function

Iota, or Index, generates a sequence of numbers from 1 to m in its one-argument form.


Setting up tables

When entering tables, we use dyadic for of the rho () function, also called Shape or Reshape. The list before states the order of the table; the following elements are its rows, element by element.

4 310 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Let's generate twelve random numbers, then display them in a 4×3 table.

DATA ← 12 ? 100
4 3 ⍴ DATA

If you feed less numbers than expected, APL just keeps wrapping these numbers. If you feed more than expected, APL uses just enough numbers to build the table.

4 31 2 3 4 5

And so follows that supplying one number fills the whole table:

3 51
  • Extra bit

    I wonder about identity matrices! Let's take a 3×3 matrix. If we type a 1, and then a number n of zeroes (corresponding to the matrix order), then I suppose we can build an identity matrix…

    3 31 0 0 0

    Indeed! But wait: I don't know how to build functions in APL yet, but I suppose we can take this arbitrary number of zeroes and write them in ⍴-notation too.

    • Generate a list of n zeroes;
    • Catenate a number 1 in front of it;
    • Feed it as filling elements to the second ⍴.
    4 41,(40)

Arithmetic on tables

Let's begin.

SALES ← 3 320 13 8 30 43 48 3 50 21

Performing arithmetic on a table affects every number, just like in a list.


Let's set up another table.

PRICES ← 2 321 2 12 47 33 1

This operation causes a LENGTH ERROR:


This is because SALES is 3×3 while PRICES is 2×3. So let's reshape SALES into a 3×2 table. This way, both of them will have the same number of elements.


But that still won't do… we're trying to multiply elements of same address here, not make matrix multiplication. Let's try again.


Ok, now we're good and we can proceed.

  • Extra bits

    Let's build a nice table.

    First table:

    • Build a sequence from 1 to 25.
    • Create a 5×5 table with it.
    • Take the reciprocal of each number.
    • Multiply each element by 10.

    Second table:

    • Take a sequence from 1 to 25.
    • Add 25 to each element.
    • Create a 5×5 table with it.

    Final table:

    • Multiply each element of first table by each element of second table.
    • Round every number by adding ¯.5 to each number and taking their ceiling.
    TOTAL ← ⌈¯.5+(5 525+2510×÷5 5⍴⍳25

Catenating tables

Catenating tables produce a big table. Each row is catenated like a list. Therefore, catenated tables must have the same number of rows.


Let's test it a little more.

LITTLE ← 2 21
MEDIUM ← 2 65

To perform LITTLE+MEDIUM, we pad LITTLE with a table of zeroes.

ZEROES ← 2 40

We could also have the zeroes on the other side; let's reset LITTLE and do it.

LITTLE ← 2 21

Since there is this kind of ambiguity, that is the reason why APL doesn't do arithmetic on data of unequal size.

Selecting elements

Let's set up a 4×3 table for the next example.

+TABLE ← 4 32 12 15 4 11 7 1 16 8 20 19 9

Let's select the 9 in the bottom row, rightmost column.


We sum the element at Row 1, Column 2 to the element at Row 2, Column 2. Then we put it on Row 3, Column 2:

TABLE[3;2] ← TABLE[1;2] + TABLE[2;2]

We can select more than one element in a row, or even in a column.

TABLE[1;1 2]
TABLE[1 2;2]

To select entire rows or columns, omit the other parameter.


Let's replace the numbers in column 3 with the sum of numbers in columns 1 and 2.

TABLE[;3] ← TABLE[;1] + TABLE[;2]

Also note that indexing can also be applied on lists.

LIST ← 8 1 90 4


In APL, data has dimensions.

  • Single numbers have dimension zero.
  • A list has one dimension.
  • The previous tables have two dimensions.
  • Three-dimensional tables/arrays are like cubes, having depth, height and length.
  • It is possible to create arrays of many dimensions in APL.
SALES ← 6 424?50

In SALES, the salesmen are rows, the products are columns. If we wanted to represent more than one region – say, three regions –, we'd need another dimension.

+SALES ← 3 6 472?100
SALES[2;5;4]           Plane 2, Row 5, Column 4
SALES[2;;]             Plane 2

Enquiring about the size of data

While the dyadic usage of involves creating arrays, the monadic usage of allows one to enquire about the size (or shape) of existing tables, variables, etc.


Let's create some data.

TABLE ← 5 315?20
LIST ← ⍳6
NUM ← 234

Now let's ask about their shape.


Notice that, since NUM has no shape (equivalent to a point), APL gives an empty response.

We don't need variables to do this kind of thing, though. We can apply directly to literals.

12 61 502 1 26 0 11'SHAMBOLIOSIS'

Tables of characters

This is also straightforward; characters are stored as a list of characters. Let's do some experiments.

Compare these two.
ALF ← 3 5'ABCDE'
NUM ← 3 512345





Solution for the given example.

4 11'ADAMS      CHATER     PRENDERGASTLEE        '

Mixed tables

We can build tables containing characters and numbers, just like the lists.

MIXTURE ← 3 3'A' 1 'B' 'C' 2 'D' 'E' 3 'F'
  • Extra bits

    You can't perform arithmetic in such a table, but you can of course reshape it to do so. I built an example for that by myself:

    MIXTURE[;2] ← 10×MIXTURE[;2]

Nested tables

Tables can contain other tables or lists.

NEST ← 2 3⍴(2 2⍴⍳4) (⍳5) 'A NAME' (2 4⍴⍳8) 23 (3 4'NAME')


The depth () function shows the degree of nesting in a variable.

45          Values have depth 01 2 3       Lists have depth 12 23 4 5 6 Tables too

Now let's check the depth of NEST:


When at least one element of a list or table is also a list or table, the depth becomes 2; and so on, as long as you have child list/tables inside child list/tables:


Since the components of BIG_NEST already have depth 2, BIG_NEST adds one more layer of depth.


Some interesting snippets showcasing the strength of APL: combining functions.

Playing with sizes of character lists

Selecting the first nine numbers in row 1 of a big table
TABLE ← 10 10100?100


  • Q1

    Set up a four-row one-column table called MILES containing 300 42 25 140.

    MILES ← 4 1300 42 25 140

    And a similarly shaped table called RATES containing 27.5 15 27.5 27.5.

    RATES ← 4 127.5 15 27.5 27.5

    Multiply RATES by MILES, then multiply the result by 0.01 to produce a table called EXPENSES.

  • Q2

    Change the number in column 1 row 3 of MILES from 25 to 250. Again, multiply RATES by MILES and the result by 0.01 to give EXPENSES, then reformat EXPENSES to produce a one-row four-column table.

    MILES[3;1] ← 250
    +EXPENSES   ← (.01×RATES×MILES)[;1]

    Alternative way to change EXPENSES; interesting way to store and immediately use a variable.

  • Q3

    Define X as a three-row ten-column table containing random numbers, and Y as a three-row four-column table also containing random numbers. Add X to Y, first taking whatever steps you think necessary to enable the operation to take place.

    Defining the tables
    X ← 3 1030?30
    Y ← 3 430+12?12
    To sum Y into X, we catenate zeroes to Y,
    extending it.
    X+Y,3 ((⍴X)[2]-(⍴Y)[2])⍴0

    Since the problem did not specify where to add the columns, here is an alternative which catenates the zeroes to the left of Y:

    X+(3 ((⍴X)[2]-(⍴Y)[2])⍴0),Y
  • Q4

    Using table X, add the first and second rows and replace the third row with the result of the addition.

    X[3;] ← X[1;]+X[2;]
  • Q5

    Create a table which [displays APL ROCKS in vertical orientation]:

    9 1'APL ROCKS'
  • Q6

    What will be the result of each of these statements? Predict each result before you press ENTER.

    • ⍴'ABC DEF'
    • ⍴480 0 1.2
    • TABLE ← 10 10⍴100⍴1000
      10 10
    • ⍴'R'
      → (empty)
    • ⍴'480 0 1.2'
    • TABLE ← 2 10 3⍴100⍴100
      2 10 3

    NOTE: Recall why ⍴'R' gives an empty response: a single value is equivalent to a point, which has no size/dimension/shape.



Writing a function

Writing a function

Precondition: the Slash operator

The Slash (/) or Reduce operator is not a function; it modifies or extends the operation of the functions it is used with.

It works as if by putting the operator between the numbers.

+/ 1 6 3 4
×/ 1 2 3 4

This can be done on a table too, however it will sum in a row basis.

TABLE ← 3 3⍴⍳9

We can, however, apply Reduce twice to obtain the entire sum.

+/+/ TABLE

Useful combination: To select the largest number in a list, use :

⌈/ 75 72 78 90 69 77 81 88

The opposite equivalent () selects the smallest number:

⌊/ 75 72 78 90 69 77 81 88

A final example: We take the sum of X (which is 15) and divide it by X's shape (5). This yields 3, as expected of calculating the average of a number.

X ← ⍳5
(+/ X)÷⍴X
  • Axis arguments

    You can apply the Reduce operator on a per-column basis using axis arguments. For example, these two are equivalent, since they take the dimension zero (rows):


    If you wish to use the columns instead of the rows, just ask for axis one:


User functions

Now we'll preserve statements.

It seems some APL editors have a built-in editor. For example, one can use the following commands:

)EDIT MYFUNC On modern editors
)ED MYFUNC   On DyalogOn older editors, and on GNU APL as well

GNU APL also calls a new buffer when defining a function, under Emacs. We can also send the following region to the interpreter no problem. We just need to type in the function () operator, which starts the input mode.

Typing again goes back to calculator mode.

  'Type some numbers: '
  NUM ← ⎕   Asks for user input
  'Total is: ' (+/ NUM)

In case this function doesn't work when typing, just use ∇TRY1 to change its definition on the editor.

This defines a user function TRY1, which takes no arguments. The Quad () operator calls in for user input.

You can edit a function such as TRY1 anytime, by typing ∇TRY1 on the REPL; other APL implementations will allow you to use the command )EDIT TRY1, for example.

Here is another example:

  'Type some numbers: '
  NUM ← ⎕
  'You have entered' (⍴NUM) 'numbers'

And as requested, here is a way to calculate the average of some numbers:

  'Type some numbers:'
  NUM ← ⎕
  'Integer average of these numbers is:' (⌊(+/ NUM)÷⍴NUM)

One more definition.

  'Type some numbers:'
  NUM ← ⎕
  'You have entered' (⍴NUM) 'numbers'
  'The biggest was' (⌈/ NUM)
  'The smallest was' (⌊/ NUM)
  'Sum of numbers is' (+/ NUM)
  'Integer average of numbers is' (⌊(+/ NUM)÷⍴NUM)

Saving a workspace

You can check out the user-defined functions in your workspace with this command:


There are some extra variables as well (check by using )VARS), so we need to erase them:


Now we'll save the current workspace. First let's set the workspace ID to the filename where it should be salved.

Notice that we are using Unix notation and the XML extension. This is a requirement for GNU APL.

)WSID ./MyFirstWS.xml

Windows users, using NARS2000, should do something like:

)WSID 'c:\foo\MyFirstWS'

Now we use the command to save.


My result was:

2019-08-06  12:56:35 (GMT-3) ./MyFirstWS.xml

Now we can safely clear the workspace.


To load the workspace again, use the load command with the file name.

)LOAD ./MyFirstWS.xml

NOTE: GNU APL instructs to use )COPY instead.

User functions with arguments

User functions can have no arguments, one argument or two arguments.

  • Monadic

    We intent to build a function which averages the numbers in a list. So let's define it.

    AV X
      (+/ X)÷⍴X

    Now we can use it properly.

    AV 12 7 3 1
    AV 3 8 1 4
    AV 192 4534 12 0 2
    NUM ← ⍳5
    AV NUM
  • Dyadic

    A dyadic function should be declared with arguments to its left and its right:

    ∇A SUM B

Using function results in other expressions

To do so, we need to rewrite the function to enable that. See this rewriting of AV.

  R←(+/ X)÷⍴X

An example of usage:

¯3 + AV 3 8 1 4

The same can be done to dyadic functions.




APL Concepts

Overview of the APL System

APL is an interpreted language.

APL reserves an area in the RAM, which is called a workspace. This is were programs and data reside. Other workspaces can be loaded at will for calculation and processing.


Data is acquired by typing or from files. All data is held in arrays or scalars.

GNU APL supports complex numbers.

Formal names will be used from now on.


APL uses a modal interpreter. Calculator mode executes statements as entered. Definition mode does not execute immediately, and stores statements as a user-defined function or operator. Function execution mode happens when you run a user-defined function or operator.

Built-in functions and operators

APL has about 50 built-in functions which can be invoked by a single symbol.

Most functions can perform two different opperations depending on whether they're used with one or two arguments.

APL also has five built-in operators. Combining an operator with its operands creates a derived function.

System functions and variables

Part of APL system, yet not part of APL language. Used to extend facilities provided by original APL, they vary from one vendor to another. Could also be tailored to the system which it is running.

System functions such as ⎕NREAD and ⎕NWRITE (with names starting with a Quad ) read and write data from files, and are distinguishable from the rest by their starting character.

System commands

They are also not part of the APL language itself, but are crucial to managing the workspace. They always start with a ).

User-defined functions and operators

Functions or operators which can be written by the user. Consists of APL statements that have a name. Functions are edited through the function editor, which can also be used to tweak a function.


Files are usually not necessary on APL, given the convenience of workspaces, being only really required when dealing with big projects. When that time comes, APL has facilities for that; and workspaces can be shared between users.

Error handling

APL provides facilities for error trapping and diagnostics.

The Workspace

Workspaces are containers for functions and data, and can be saved on disk by using commands.

APL also makes it easy to create test data for functions. Since prototyping can be done so quickly, APL is sometimes referred to as a "tool of thought".

Functions, operators, classes

Functions can take 0, 1 or 2 arguments; arguments to functions are always arrays.

Operators look like functions, but takes either one or two operands, which can be functions (e.g. the Each operator ¨). They can also be defined.

Classes are a collection of functions, operators and data (named properties). Acts as a template to create objects. Classes are supported in Dyalog, but not in GNU APL.

Workspace size

Some APLS allow changing the size of your workspace with )CLEAR 50MB, for example.

To check the amount of free space on your workspace, use the system function Workspace Available:


Managing the workspace

  • Internal workspace commands

    These have already been discussed.

    • )CLEAR: Clear workspace. Erases all variables, functions, operators and classes.
    • )ERASE: Erases individual classes.
    • )VARS: Lists all user-defined variables in the workspace.
    • )FNS: Lists all user-defined functions in the workspace.
    • )OPS: Lists all user-defined operators in the workspace.
    • )CLASSES: Lists all user-defined classes in the workspace. Can be used in Dyalog.
  • External workspace commands

    Some of these have already been discussed.

    • )SAVE myWorkspace saves a workspace to disk. Append .xml if you're using GNU APL.
    • )LOAD myWorkspace loads an entire workspace back into memory; the workspace in memory is overwritten.
    • )COPY can be used to copy a function from a workspace in disk, but does not overwrite the current workspace.
    • )DROP deletes a workspace on disk.
    • )LIB shows the names of the workspaces stored on disk.

    Save locations vary due to APL implementations.

System variables

Here are some useful system variables which you may use.

  • ⎕WA: Workspace Available. Number of available bytes for use in workspace.
  • ⎕PP: Print Precision. Number of digits displayed in numeric output.
  • ⎕PW: Print Width. Max number of characters in each printed line.
  • ⎕LX: Latent Expression. This variable contains an expression or user-defined function which is executed when the workspace is loaded; effectively, a setup function for the current workspace. Empty by default.
  • ⎕IO: Index Origin. Stores the value where indexes start. GNU APL starts at 1, but can be changed to 0.

System functions

These vary from vendor to vendor, so there is no guarantee that these will work in your APL. For example:

  • ⎕NL: Name List. Produces a list of variables, functions, operators or classes.
  • ⎕EX: Expunge. Expunges individual APL objects.

System functions are designed to be used in user-defined commands, whereas system commands are designed for direct usage.


⍝⍝⍝ APL Concepts



Data can be directly quoted…


…or assigned to a name.

VAR ← 183.6


APL allows uppercase and lowercase characters, some APLs also allows symbols too.

Types of data

Data can be numbers, characters or a mixture of those. GNU APL in particular also allows complex numbers; Dyalog allows classes.

Size, shape and depth

From now on, unless there is something new, only some examples will be typed.

Scalars (no dimensions)

Vectors (one dimension -- length)
23 8 0 12 3
28 3 'A' 'BC'

2D Matrices (two dimensions -- height and length)
There is no way to write a matrix literal.
4 47 45 2 89 16 15 10 21 8 0 13 99 83 19 4 27
4 2'WILSO' 393 'ADAMS' 7183 'CAIRN' 87 'SAMSO' 8467

3D Matrices (three dimensions)
3 3 436?100

Arrays are data structures of any dimension – obviously, scalars do not apply.

Setting up data structures

X1 ← 23 9 144 12 5 0
X2 ← 1 2 'A' 'B' 3 4
2 323 9 144 12 5 0

NUMS ← 36?100
3 3 4⍴NUMS


Nested arrays
VAR ← (2 39) (1 2 3) 'A' 'ABCD' 88 16.1

Data structure versus data value

X ← 122
Y ← 22

⍴X    1, because X is a vector
⍴Y    Empty response, because Y is a scalar

Z ← 1 512 5 38 3 6   When displayed, Z looks like a vector,
⍴Z                    but is in fact a 1×5 matrix


Empty data structures

Useful for some things, for example flor predefined storage areas, where elements can be added.

X ← ⍳0   X is a vector of zero elements
X        Printing X gives an empty response
⍴X       Asking for the shape of X gives a zero

This is fundamentally different than a scalar, which does not have zero elements: a scalar has zero dimensions instead.


We can also create empty matrices. For example, a matrix of two rows and no columns:

TAB ← 3 0⍴⍳0

Dimension ordering

General rule when applying an operation to data (e.g. a reduce /):

Unless specified otherwise, the operation takes place on the last dimension.

For example, consider a 3×4 matrix.

X ← 3 4⍴⍳12
+/ X

Applying a reduction to it yields a list of three elements. Each element of the list is the sum of a row. This is because a column is the last dimension of a 2D matrix (3 rows, 4 columns).

In other words, since we're performing the reduction on the last dimension (columns), then each result is the sum of all columns belonging to that row.

You can change that by using the axis ([]) operator:

+/[1] X

This carries the reduction on the first axis (rows), therefore the resulting list of four numbers is the sum of each column.

Now each result is the sum of all rows belonging to that column.



There is something that remains to be discussed. Last section talked about the rows in index 1. This seems to mean that in APL indexes start at 1, but that might not be always true. This is true for GNU APL, to say the least.

If you wish to change indexing, just change the Index Origin system variable (this bit is not tangled):


From here on, we'll consider Index Origin to be 1.

Selecting elements is easy. Just use the brackets ([]), and separate variable indexes with ;.

Indexing in one dimension
X ← 1 45 6 3 9 33 6 0 1 22
X[4] + X[10]

Indexing in two dimensions
TABLE ← 3 39?100
TABLE[3;2]         Indexing for more than one dimension

Indexing in three dimensions
DATA ← 4 4 464?100

Selecting an entire row in tree ways
TABLE[1;1 2 3]

Selecting an entire column

Selecting from anonymous data
(3 8 4)[1+2]

Selecting from an anonymous string, based on a variable
P ← 2

Some useful stuff that has not been discussed yet:

Indexing can also be used to rearrange elements on a matrix!

'ABCDE'[4 5 1 4]

We can also do indexing with variables of a higher dimension. This pretty much collects stuff and stores it in the created shape:

'ABCDE'[2 24 5 1 4]

Indexing can also be done with the squad () symbol (notice that this is different from the quad , since it is narrower):


Built-in functions

APL has 50 useful built-in functions in general, and 5 operators to modify and extend how functions work.

Built-in Functions


Most functions have two behaviours depending on how you place their arguments. For example:

12.625         Ceiling
28             Select greatest number

÷1 2 3 4 5      Reciprocal
100÷1 2 3 4 5   Divide 100 by each

Execution order

Expressions are evaluated from right to left. The results of one function become the argument of the next function.

Numbers or text

Some functions work on numbers only. Some work on either numbers or text data. Using a function which does not work on a data type yields a DOMAIN ERROR.

Some functions also work only on a subset of the number domain, such as logical functions (, etc.) Thiis means that they only recognize the states of TRUTH (1) and FALSITY (0).

Shape and size of data

Some functions can be used only on data of a certain shape. The following example (not tangled) yields a LENGTH ERROR, because data on both sides do not have the same shape:

29 51 60 27÷3 11

Groups of functions

Following there will be some examples of functions, which I'll store in tables as given in the tutorial, for further consulting.

Unless there is a new function with non-obvious usage, there will be some examples.

  • Arithmetic functions
    Function Monadic form Dyadic form
    + Numeric Add
    - Negation Subtract
    × Sign Multiply
    ÷ Reciprocal Divide
    Ceiling Biggest
    Floor Smallest
    | Modulo Remainder
  • Algebraic functions

    Functions for advanced arithmetic.

    Function Monadic form Dyadic form
    Index generator  
    ? Random number Random deal
    ⋆ or * 'e' to the power Number to the power
    Log to base 'e' Log to any base
    π times Sine, cosine, etc
    ! Factorial Combinations
    Matrix inversion Matrix division
    • Circle operator

      The circle operator () does not have an obvious operation on its dyadic form. Here is a table of values of α on the case α ○ ω, taken from TryAPL:

      α α ○ ω α α ○ ω
      0 (1-ω⋆2)⋆0.5    
      ¯1 Arcsin ω 1 Sin ω
      ¯2 Arccos ω 2 Cos ω
      ¯3 Arctan ω 3 Tan ω
      ¯4 (¯1+ω⋆2)⋆0.5 4 (1+ω⋆2)≠0.5
      ¯5 Arcsinh ω 5 Sinh ω
      ¯6 Arccosh ω 6 Cosh ω
      ¯7 Arctanh ω 7 Tanh ω
      ¯8 -8○ω 8 (¯1+ω⋆2)⋆0.5
      ¯9 ω 9 Real part of ω
      ¯10 10 | ω
      ¯11 ω × 0J1 11 Imag part of ω
      ¯12 ⋆ω 12 Phase of ω

      Also notice that 0J1 is a complex number of real part 0 and imaginary part 1.

    • Domino operator

      The Domino operator () generates the inverse of a matrix in its monadic form, and divides a matrix by another in its dyadic form:

      MAT ← 2 2⍴⍳4
      5 6⌹MAT
  • Comparative functions
    Function Monadic form Dyadic form
    <   Less than
      Less than or equal
    =   Equal
      Greater than or equal
    >   Greater than
      Not equal
    Depth Match
    Tally Not match
    Enlist Membership
    Iota Index of

    Here's an interesting use for comparative functions: Suppose we have a table, where some numbers are negative. How can we test which numbers are less than zero in it?

    TABLE ← 3 325-9?50
    TABLE < 0
    • Equal underbar

      The Equal underbar () serves two purposes. In its monadic form, it shows the depth of a specific structure.

      2 21 (2 3) (4 5 6 7) (8 (9 10) 11)

      In its dyadic form, it attempts to match both parameters to see if they are equal in shape, order and values:

      't' 'e' 's' 't''test'
    • Equal underbar slash

      The Equal underbar slash () does the exact opposite of . In its monadic form, it shows the tally (shallowest depth) of a specific structure:

      2 21 (2 3) (4 5 6 7) (8 (9 10) 11)

      In its dyadic form, it checks if both parameters do not match:

      ('t' 'e') ('s' 't')≢'test'
    • Epsilon

      The Epsilon (), in its dyadic form, checks whether the first parameter is enclosed in the second parameter, thus testing for membership:

      21 2 3

      The monadic form, however, enlists a certain value. If it is a scalar, it is put into a list; if it is a list, nothing changes; if it is a matrix, rows will be put one after the other to form a single list.

      3 3 3⍴⍳27
    • Epsilon underbar

      The Epsilon underbar () is only dyadic, and attempts to find the first argument (which should be a pattern) inside the second argument. The result should be a structure which marks where the occurence starts for each occurence found.

    • Iota

      The Iota () in its monadic form generates a list from 0 to n.

      3 3⍴⍳9

      In its dyadic form, it attempts to find the second argument inside the first argument. The first match found returns the element index inside the list, matrix, etc.

      X ← 0 0 5 3
      X[(00 0 5 3)⍳1] Get first non-null element of X
  • Logical functions

    These functions work only with yielding 0 or 1 by default, but they are also used for branching.

    All functions are dyadic, unless specified otherwise.

    Function Description
    ~ Not (Monadic)
    ~1 0 1
    1 0 10 0 1
    1 0 10 0 1
    1 0 10 0 1
    1 0 10 0 1

    We can also short-circuit expressions. Should even be useful for comparisions.

    (5 > 4) ∧ 1 < 3
  • Manipulative functions
    Function Monadic form Dyadic form
    Shape Reshape
    , Ravel Catenate
    ~ Not Without
    Reverse Rotate
    Transpose Dyadic transpose
    Take first Take n
      Drop n
    Enclose Partitioned enclose
    Disclose Pick
    Unique Union
    Identity Right
    Identity Left
    • Comma

      The Ravel (,) operator, in its monadic form, turns a matrix into a list.

      X ← 3 3 3⍴⍳27 A cube

      However, we can use axis parameters to induce other behaviours.

      ,[1 2]X

      The dyadic form catenates two structures. The particular behaviour is determined by shape.

      (3 3⍴⍳9),(3 39+9)
    • Circle Stile

      The Reverse (), in its monadic form, reverses the elements along the last axis.

      0 0 5 7

      Its dyadic form performs a rotation on the elements of the second parameter, in the last axis, by the number of elements specified in the second parameter, as if the data were stored in a toroidal shape. Number of rotated elements' sign provides the direction.

      23 3⍴⍳9
      ¯23 3⍴⍳9
    • Transpose

      The Transpose (), in its monadic form, reverses the axes of the given matrix.

      3 3⍴⍳9

      In its dyadic form, we can directly instruct which axes are swapped and how:

      2 1 33 3 3⍴⍳27    Swap axes 1 and 2
    • Up Arrow

      The Take function (), in its monadic form, gets the first element of an array.

      3 1 2

      In its dyadic form, it takes exactly the number of elements specified at the first parameter, from the second parameter. If the absolute number exceeds the length, the resulting list is zero-filled. If the number is negative, it is taken from last element.

    • Down Arrow

      The Drop function () has only a dyadic form, and drops the number of elements in the first parameter from the second parameter list. If the number is negative, the drop happens from the end. If the absolute number exceeds the length, an empty response is returned.

    • Left Shoe

      The Enclose () function, in its monadic form, encloses the given object into a nested scalar.

      2 2⍴⍳4
      ⍴⊂2 2⍴⍳4

      In its dyadic form, it does a selective enclosing, returning the enclosed objects:

      0 1 1 0⊂⍳4
    • Right Shoe

      The Disclose () function, in its monadic form, discloses the single elements of an object, zero-filling the missing elements so that all of them belong to a single shape, with the same number of dimensions.

      ⊃(⍳4) 2 3

      In its dyadic form, it recursively picks up a certain element from a nested structure.

      X ← 4⍴⊂(4 416?100)   List of four enclosed 4x4 matrices
      2 (2 2)⊃X             Pick 2nd matrix, then pick element [2;2]
    • Right Tack

      The Right () function does nothing in its monadic form, giving back the untouched data. Its dyadic form, however, selects the left element. It has a particularly useful property of selecting the rightmost element when mapped over a structure:

      2 34 5
      ⊢/ 6 7 8 9
    • Left Tack

      The Left () function works much like Right, except that it selects the left element, or the leftmost element on a mapping:

      2 34 5
      ⊣/ 6 7 8 9
  • Sorting and coding functions
    Function Monadic form Dyadic form
    Grade up Collated grade up
    Grade down Collated grade down
    • Grade Up

      The Grade Up () function, in its monadic form, returns the indexes of elements in ascending order.

      LIST ← 10?100

      In its dyadic form, the first parameter is a collating sequence, which enumerates top-priority elements for the ordering. Elements outside of the collation are put in the end of the sequence.

      TEXT ← 'Banana'
    • Grade Down

      The Grade Down () function works just like Grade Up, except that it returns indexes of elements in descending order.

      On the dyadic form, the collating sequence enumerates elements which shall be ordered from rightmost to leftmost. Elements outside of the collation are put in the beginning of the sequence.

      LIST ← 10?100
      TEXT ← 'Banana'
    • Decode

      The Decode () function converts a number (expressed as a list) on the second argument to the base shown in the first argument.

      20 0 1 0 1
      162 1
      24 60 602 46 40  Time conversion! 2h46m40s into total seconds
    • Encode

      The Encode () function does the opposite of Decode.

      2 2 2 25 7 12
      24 60 6010000   Mixed radix; convert 10000 seconds to h m s
  • Miscellaneous functions and other symbols
    Function Meaning
    Numeric input from keyboard (niladic)
    Character input from keyboard (niladic)
    Stament separator
    Evaluate text as APL expression (monadic)
    Format (monadic/dyadic)
    Index (dyadic)
    • Diamond

      The statement separator () allows for inputting more than one statement in a single line.

      LIST ← 25-(5?50) ◊ (÷LIST)
    • Hydrant

      The Execute operator () evaluates a textual expression as an APL statement.

      'X ← 10×3 3⍴⍳9 ◊ ÷X'
    • Thorn

      The Format operator () in its monadic form, transforms values into a character list, suited to display onscreen.

      1 2 3

      Its dyadic form requires a format list as first argument, containing the field width for each value and its number of decimal places. The second argument is the values. If the field is not wide enough, it gives a DOMAIN ERROR.

      6 23.25 3.002
      8 2⍕1234   ⍝ Not wide enough
    • Squad

      The Index operator () has only a dyadic form, where one can pick elements at something. It also supports axis parameters.

      TABLE ← 3 4⍴⍳12
      2 3⌷TABLE
      2⌷[1] TABLE
      2⌷[2] TABLE
    • Zilde

      The Empty Numeric Vector () is a vector of zero elements.

      These are a match, since they are numeric vectors.
      These do not match.
      ⍬≡0 00  Not a vector
      ⍬≡''     Not numeric

System functions

System functions exist to extend the power of APL, improving the usable tasks.

See the implementation documentation for that.

Built-in operators

Built-in Operators

Operators are used to specify the way in which one or more functions are applied to data. For example: repeatedly, cumulatively, etc.

Operator Name
/ Slash
Slash bar
\ Backslash
Backslash bar
. Inner product
∘. Outer product
¨ Each
[ ] Axis

Reduce and scan

When used with functions as their operands, Slash and Backslash become Reduce (/) and Scan (\), which apply a single function to all elements of an argument.

These two operations are equivalent
22 + 93 + 4.6 + 10 + 3.3
+/22 93 4.6 10 3.3        Reduce using plus

In the last example, Reduce interposes the + between the values on the vector. Were it replaced by the Scan operator, the same would happen, but the result would be a vector containing intermediate results; the last element of such vector would be the last result.

+\22 93 4.6 10 3.3        Scan using plus
22 (22+93) (115+4.6) (119.6+10) (129.6+3.3) Equivalent calculation
  • Reduce First and Scan First

    Using a Slash bar with a function means using the Reduce First () operator. This will apply a reduction on the first dimension of the data structure:

    TABLE ← 3 515?30
    +⌿ TABLE

    Using a Backslash bar with a function means using the Scan First () operator. This does something similar to Scan, but stores each result in a matrix row (first dimension).

    +⍀ TABLE

Compress and expand

When used with one or more numbers, Slash and Backslash become Compression (/) and Expansion (\).

Compress selects a part of an object:

1 0 1 1 0 1 / 'ABCDEF'

Expand inserts fill data into objects:

TABLE ← 2 3⍴⍳6
Insert new columns (axis 2).
New columns indicated by zeroes.
1 0 1 0 1\[2]TABLE
  • Compress First and Expand First

    The Compress First () operator, also known as Replicate First, is the dyadic form of the Slash Bar, and can be used in a matrix to remove and duplicate certain rows (first dimension):

    TABLE ← 3 4⍴⍳12
    1 0 2⌿TABLE      Remove 2nd row, duplicate 3rd row

    The Expand First () operator is the dyadic version of the Backslash bar, and also works by adding new rows (first dimension) to a matrix.

    TABLE ← 3 4⍴⍳12
    1 0 1 0 1 0 0⍀TABLE

Outer and inner products

Product operators distribute the application of a function between each element of one argument and all elements in another; this removes the constraint on applying certain functions to arguments of same shape.

  • Outer Product

    The outer product (∘.)gives the result of applying the function to all combinations of elements in both arguments:

    1 2 3∘.+4 5 6

    The result is a 3×3 matrix, where the first column is the sum between 1 and each of the numbers in the second argument; the second column is the sum between 2 and each of the numbers in the second argument; and so on.

    Another example: a matrix of powers.

  • Inner Product

    The inner product (.) allows two functions to be applied to arguments; operations happen between the last dimension of the left argument, and the first dimension of the right argument; so the two inner dimensions are used.

    Using this on matrices results in two steps:

    1. Each row of the left argument is applied to each column of the right argument. This uses the rightmost function;
    2. The leftmost function is applied to the result, through a Reduction (/).
    X←3 39?100
    Y←3 39?100
    1. Each row of X is multiplied by each column of Y;
    2. The result is reduced through a sum.

    There are up to 400 possible inner products. Some uses are:

    • Locating incidences of given character strings within textual data;
    • Evaluation of polynomials;
    • Matrix multiplication;
    • Product of powers;
    • Etc.


The Each operator (¨) allows applying a certain function (on the left) to each elements of an array or vector (on the right).

⍴¨(⍳3)(⍳2)(⍳5)   Find the length of each vector


Some functions operate in data which has more than one dimension. One can change the axis in which they operate by using the axis operator.

By default, APL functions work on the last dimension of your data. The order of dimensions is the one show when you apply to the data.

TABLE ← 2 3⍴⍳6  A matrix of 2×3 (two dimensions)

Reduce with + on the second dimension. This gives a
list of two numbers, each being the sum of numbers
along the COLUMNS (dimension 2, last one) of each
row of the matrix.

This reduction specifies that the sum should occur
along the ROWS (dimension 1) of a column of the
matrix, therefore it gives a list of three numbers.
  • Functions that accept axis specifications

    here are some built-in functions and operators that accept specifying axes:

    • Functions
      • (First, Take)
      • (Drop)
      • (Enclose, Partition)
      • (Disclose, Pick)
      • , (Ravel, Catenate)
      • , (Reversal, Rotation)
    • Operators
      • / (Reduce, Compress)
      • \ (Scan, Expand)
      • (Reduce First, Compress First)
      • (Scan First, Compress First)

User-defined Functions

User-defined functions

Arguments and results

Functions can be thought of as external programs which are run. They can be:

  • Niladic: They have no specified arguments.
  • Monadic: Functions have one argument, passed at its right.
  • Dyadic: Functions have two arguments, the first is passed at its left and the second is passed at its right.

Passing many values as an argument is enclosed into a single vector of arguments.

Definining a function that is both monadic and dyadic require testing the first and second arguments to dispatch based on it.

If you need to express a result, you will also need to give a name for the result field.

User-defined operators

Operators must have one or two operands, which are functions; not more nor less, since operators are used to modify the behaviour of functions.

Editing functions

Some APLs allow you to edit a function by using the )EDIT command or the ⎕EDIT system function. This is the case for Dyalog, for example – however, Dyalog uses the )ED command instead.


Older APL systems, like GNU APL, allows editing one-line-at-time, using the Del () editor. However, the gnu-apl-mode for Emacs replaces the use of Del by opening a new temporary buffer to edit the function.


APL uses the concept of workspaces to store functions and values, however one can safely use the Del () notation to define a certain function in an APL code file:

  Add some code here...

The rest of this text will use the Del editor notation, in a way which it can be executed in a GNU APL script, therefore some things will be different e.g. line numbers will not be used here.

The function header

When typing the function, one must type a suitable function header, for example:

  SUM ← +/X
  AVG ← SUM÷⍴X

This function takes a vector called X and performs some computation using it.

SD 12 45 20 68 92 108

The result exists in the global variable RESULT, created inside the function.

If we were defining a function with two operators, we would have a header such as:


And if we wanted the result to be put in a specific variable, see how we could redefine SD:

∇R ← SD X
  SUM ← +/X
  AVG ← SUM÷⍴X
  R ← SQAVG⋆0.5

By doing this, the result of applying SD to something could be assigned to a variable; R itself is not a variable which is visible outside of SD, acting as a surrogate for the final result of execution.

The operator header

Operator bodies are defined just like functions'; what changes is the header, which must specify an operator.

Here is the header of a monadic operator:


And the header of a dyadic operator:

  • OPERATE is the operator name;
  • R is the optional return variable;
  • X and Y are left and right parameters for the operator;
  • LOP is an obligatory left operand, which the operator will change the behaviour of;
  • ROP is an optional right operand, which the operator will also change the behaviour of.

Local and global variables

One can quote variables in the header to make sure they are local to the function; by not doing so, they will remain global. Also notice that local variables are not shared with variables called inside the function body.

So let's fix SD.

)CLEAR   Clear the workspace

  SUM ← +/X
  AVG ← SUM÷⍴X
  R ← SQAVG⋆0.5

But the header is so big, that's not good. Let's try making this a little more compact so we have fewer local variables.

  SQDIFF ← (X-(+/X)÷⍴X)⋆2
  R ← ((+/SQDIFF)÷⍴SQDIFF)⋆0.5


Inside the body of a function or operator, the symbol Goto (→) is used to determine a jump. The symbol should then be followed by some data; if the data is a scalar, the function jumps to the given line. If it is a vector, the function jumps to the first element of the vector and ignores the rest of it.

Here is an example of that in action, with numbering on the body for better understanding.

    ∇R←TEST X
[1]  →(X≥0)/4
[2]  R←0
[3]  →5
[4]  R←1

The function starts by testing whether X is greater or equal to zero. If so, the result is 1, therefore the Compress (/) operator selects the sole number at the right, which is 4. The symbol then instructs the function to jump to the line – that is, the fourth one.

Line [2] puts a 0 on the result variable. Then line [3] instructs the program to make an unconditional jump to the line 5, which does not exist – thus ending the function.

Line [4] attributes the number 1 to the result variable, and then exits gracefully, as there are no more jumps.

  • Looping

    One can also perform loops very easily by using the Goto symbol (). For example, consider the following function.

    Calculate factorial of a scalar N.
    Has a return variable and a local scalar I.
      →(N≤0)/0       1: If N is lower or eq to 0, end function
      I←1            2: Initialize iterator to 1
      R←1            3: Initialize result to 1
      R←R×I          4: Let result be the mult. of result and iter
      →(I=N)/0       5: If iterator is equal to N, end function
      I←I+1          6: Increment iterator4             7: Jump to multiplication

    Jumping to 0 will be explained below; it ends the function.

  • Labels

    It is not necessary to count lines on most modern APLs. We can just use labels. This is also useful when adding lines and whatnot.

    ∇R ← TEST X
    GREATEQ: R←1

    Here is the factorial function, rewritten using labels:

      (I R)←1       Multiple definition at once
      LOOP: R←R×I
  • Ending execution of a function

    A function stops naturally when the last line of its body is executed. However, one can go to a line number which doesn't exist to end the function immediately. For example:

    →7  ⍝ Suppose this line is in a function with six lines
  • Structured control keywords

    Some APLs support structured-control keywords for flow control. This makes APL more readable. (GNU APL, however, does not support them)

    Here is a table of keywords. These keywords are not part of the APL ISO, but they are supported in many implementations.

    Function Keyword
    Conditional execution :If, :ElseIf, :Else, :EndIf
    For loop :For, :EndFor
    While loop :While, :EndWhile
    Repeat loop :Repeat, :EndRepeat
    Case selection :Select, :Case, :CaseList, :Else, :EndSelect
    Branch :GoTo
    Terminate function :Return (same as →0)
  • Comments in functions

    Just use the Lamp () symbol.

  • Ambivalent Functions

    In APL2, dyadic functions may be used monodically. This happens when the left argument is undefined. This means that its Name Classification (⎕NC) is 0. This can be compared:

      →(0=⎕NC 'A')/MONADIC
    MONADIC: A←5
    1 AMBIVALENT 2  Dyadic usage; yields 3
    AMBIVALENT 2    Monadic usage; yields 7

    Some APLs like NARS2000 and Dyalog use a particular syntax which distinguishes ambivalent and dyadic functions. See these function headers:

    ∇R←A NOMADIC B    ⍝ Dyadic     ∇
    ∇R←{A} NOMADIB B  ⍝ Ambivalent ∇

Extra: Lambdas

GNU APL has limited support for lambda expressions. Those are functions which are defined inline, and can even be named.

In lambdas, Alpha () is the symbol used for the left argument, and Omega () is the symbol used for the right argument. All lambdas are one-line functions, enclosed in Curly Brackets ({}), which can be monadic or dyadic depending on argument usage, and their single line always return a value.

AVERAGE ← {(+/⍵)÷⍴⍵}   Named lambda
2 {⍺+⍵} 3              Unnamed lambda, applied immediately

Here is an example lambda function which finds all the prime numbers below the second argument () of the monadic function (ACHARYA and PEREIRA):

PRIMES ← {(~⍵∊⍵∘.×⍵)/⍵←1↓⍳⍵}

Error Handling

Error handling

Errors in calculator mode

APL prints errors when you type a statement containing an error in calculator mode. For example, this yields a DOMAIN ERROR:

1 1 0 'a'1 1 0 0

To correct an error in calculator mode, simply retype the statement correctly, or use the the implementation's line-editing facilities.

Errors in user-defined functions or operators

When executing a user-defined function or operator, if an error happens, the execution stops at that point. Modern APLs have a Debug window where you can examine and correct errors in the function or operator.

The state indicator

When the halted function was called by other function, one can inspect the call stack using the State Indicator. This can be done with the system function )SI or, in some APLs, by inspecting the variable ⎕SI.

Here is an example taken from implementation APLX (deprecated):

C[2] *

In the example above, the problem happened at function C, at line 2. This function was called by function B at line 8, which was then called by function A on line 5.

The asterisk means that the execution of line 2 of function C is still pending. If another function were executed at this point and also yielded an error, this would happen:

E[3] *
C[2] *

So now function E at line 3 is pendent, and was called from function D at line 6.

This top level can be cleared by using the Goto symbol (). Another , in this case, would clear the State Indicator completely.

C[2] *

There are also system functions to clear the State Indicator. In GNU APL, this can be done with )RESET.

Action after suspended execution

One can resume the suspended execution where it stopped. To do so, just type Goto () followed by the line number.

3   Suppose execution halted at line 3 of the function

It is not mandatory to continue execution where the function halted. For example, suppose you want to restart at the next line:


Another way to do this is by using the niladic system function ⎕LC. This yields a vector containing all current line numbers of functions in the State Indicator. All we need to do is to jump to the first number of such vector:


Or, if we want to resume at the next line, we can also exploit the vector:


Error trapping and tracing

It is possible to specify in advance what to do if an error occurs on execution; APL allows error trapping at runtime.

  • Dyalog has the keywords :Trap, :EndTrap, :Case and :Else, and the system variable ⎕TRAP which allows precise control;
  • APL2 has the system variables ⎕EA (Execute Alternate; executes the right argument and, if it fails, executes the left one) and ⌷EC (Execute Controlled; Executes the argument and returns the result, if any. Also returns additional information on errors).
  • APL+Win has the keywords :Try, :Catch and :Finally; and the ⎕ELX system variable executes the argument passed on its right, whenever an error occurs.
  • NARS2000 has ⎕ELX like APL+Win, and ⎕EA and ⌷EC, like APL2.

It seems like GNU APL does not have error trapping facilities.



The "Format" primitive

Useful variable: ⎕PP (Print Precision).

When the left argument is not specified, the data is converted into plain text with no specific format, using only display defaults.

0.0000003 3.0123456789

With two arguments, the left argument is always a list of two elements: Field width and number of decimal places.

6 2341.82921

Note that, before the number was truncated, it was rounded.

The system function ⎕FMT

Some APL implementations (except APL2 and GNU APL) have a ⎕FMT system function:

    'B K2 G< ZZ9 DOLLARS AND 99 CENTS>' ⎕FMT 8.23 12.86 0 2.52

End of Tutorial


Further Topics in APL

These are very useful topics which I will only take some notes on new things I find interesting. Here is the link to the relevant contents.

It is also useful to check the GNU APL Manual

Displaying the Shape of an Array

⍝⍝⍝ Further Topics in APL

Displaying the shape of an array

Most APLS have a DISPLAY or ⎕DISPLAY system function to draw boxes around data. GNU APL uses ⎕CR for that. For example:

8⎕CR 3 412?50

8⎕CR 1 (⍳2) 3 4 5

8⎕CR 1 'A' (2 3) (2 5'HELLOWORLD')

Results are better seen with GNU FreeFont:

↓40 26 30 24│
│50 35 31 47│
│43 45 38 11│

│1 ┌→──┐ 3 4 5│
│  │1 2│      │
│  └───┘      │

│1 A ┌→──┐ ┌→────┐│
│    │2 3│ ↓HELLO││
│    └───┘ │WORLD││
│          └─────┘│

Meaning of symbols used when drawing boxes:

Sym Placement Meaning
- Beneath character Scalar character
Left of top edge Vector or higher-rank array
~ Left of bottom edge Numeric data
+ Left of bottom edge Mixed data
Left of top edge Empty vector or higher-rank array
Left side of box Matrix or higher-rank array
Left side of box Empty matrix or higher-rank array
Left of bottom edge Nested array

Array Type and Prototype

Array type and prototype

Arrays of one or more dimensions of zero length are known as empty array, which can be generated with Reshape () or a selection of sorts (like with Compress, /). Its type can be numeric, simple character or nested, depending on how it was created.

Empty arrays are useful for initializing arrays where data will be added in the future, for creating scalars from arrays or as argument to Goto ().

Array Type and Prototype

Arrays have a type zero for numeric elements, and blank character for character elements.

Empty numeric vector and empty character vector
8⎕CR08⎕CR ''

Same thing, but using ⍴
8⎕CR 06768⎕CR 0'PETER'
│ │

Empty numeric vectors can also be created using Zilde ().


Prototypes of nested arrays

Complex empty arrays can be created by using a nested array to generate the empty array:

A nested array containing a list of characters
and a list of numbers; the second statement
is an empty nested array containing another
empty array.
8⎕CR 'ABC' (⍳3) ◊ 8⎕CR 0'ABC' (⍳3)
│┌→──┐ ┌→────┐│
││ABC│ │1 2 3││
│└───┘ └─────┘│
││   ││

When the first element is numeric, we end up with a nested array of null elements.

8⎕CR (2 2⍴⍳4) 'ABC'8⎕CR 0⍴(2 2⍴⍳4) 'ABC'
│┌→──┐ ┌→──┐│
│↓1 2│ │ABC││
││3 4│ └───┘│
│└───┘      │
│↓0 0││
││0 0││

If the first element is mixed, then we'll have an array filled with zeroes and empty characters.

8⎕CR (2 21 'K' 2 'J') (⍳4) ◊ 8⎕CR 0⍴(2 21 'K' 2 'J') (⍳4)
│┌→──┐ ┌→──────┐│
│↓1 K│ │1 2 3 4││
││2 J│ └───────┘│
│└───┘          │
│↓0  ││
││0  ││

Therefore, the prototype concept can be used to display the type of an array.

8⎕CR VAR ← (2 21 'A' 'B' 2) ((⍳2) 7) 'ABC'
│┌→──┐ ┌→──────┐ ┌→──┐│
│↓1 A│ │┌→──┐ 7│ │ABC││
││B 2│ ││1 2│  │ └───┘│
│└───┘ │└───┘  │      │
│      └∊──────┘      │

To display the array type, we first enclose () the array to make it a scalar, then we build the empty vector with it (0⍴). Since building the empty vector creates an additional level of nesting, we use the First () function to remove it:

│┌→──┐ ┌→──────┐ ┌→──┐│
│↓0  │ │┌→──┐ 0│ │   ││
││  0│ ││0 0│  │ └───┘│
│└───┘ │└───┘  │      │
│      └∊──────┘      │

The prototype as a fill element

Functions such as Take (), Expand (\) and Replicate (/) add elements to an existing array. A prototype can be used to determine the type and shape of extra elements.

Type of array Fill Element
Numeric 0
Character Space
Nested/Mixed Prototype of first element, with
  Numbers/Characters replaced

Here are some examples.

8⎕CR 51 2 38⎕CR 5'ABC' Numeric and textual vectors of 5 elts
8⎕CR 20⍴⊂VAR   Vector containing two prototypes
8⎕CR 2↑⊂VAR     Put VAR's prototype after VAR, in a vector
8⎕CR ¯2↑⊂VAR    Put VAR's prototype before VAR, in a vector
│1 2 3 0 0│
│ABC  │
│┌→────────────────────┐ ┌→────────────────────┐│
││┌→──┐ ┌→──────┐ ┌→──┐│ │┌→──┐ ┌→──────┐ ┌→──┐││
││↓0  │ │┌→──┐ 0│ │   ││ │↓0  │ │┌→──┐ 0│ │   │││
│││  0│ ││0 0│  │ └───┘│ ││  0│ ││0 0│  │ └───┘││
││└───┘ │└───┘  │      │ │└───┘ │└───┘  │      ││
││      └∊──────┘      │ │      └∊──────┘      ││
│└∊∊───────────────────┘ └∊∊───────────────────┘│
│┌→────────────────────┐ ┌→────────────────────┐│
││┌→──┐ ┌→──────┐ ┌→──┐│ │┌→──┐ ┌→──────┐ ┌→──┐││
││↓1 A│ │┌→──┐ 7│ │ABC││ │↓0  │ │┌→──┐ 0│ │   │││
│││B 2│ ││1 2│  │ └───┘│ ││  0│ ││0 0│  │ └───┘││
││└───┘ │└───┘  │      │ │└───┘ │└───┘  │      ││
││      └∊──────┘      │ │      └∊──────┘      ││
│└∊∊───────────────────┘ └∊∊───────────────────┘│
│┌→────────────────────┐ ┌→────────────────────┐│
││┌→──┐ ┌→──────┐ ┌→──┐│ │┌→──┐ ┌→──────┐ ┌→──┐││
││↓0  │ │┌→──┐ 0│ │   ││ │↓1 A│ │┌→──┐ 7│ │ABC│││
│││  0│ ││0 0│  │ └───┘│ ││B 2│ ││1 2│  │ └───┘││
││└───┘ │└───┘  │      │ │└───┘ │└───┘  │      ││
││      └∊──────┘      │ │      └∊──────┘      ││
│└∊∊───────────────────┘ └∊∊───────────────────┘│

More info: Empty Arrays and Prototypes

Vector Notation

Nothing new here. Just pay attention to how the vectors are constructed:

8⎕CR 'ABC' 'DEF'
8⎕CR (1 2 3) 'DEF'1 2 3 'DEF'1 2 3 'D' 'E' 'F'
8⎕CR ((1 2) (3 4)) 2 3

X←2 2⍴⍳4
8⎕CR (X Y)  Variables entered in vector form
⍴X Y
      8⎕CR 'ABC' 'DEF'
│┌→──┐ ┌→──┐│
││ABC│ │DEF││
│└───┘ └───┘│
      8⎕CR ((1 2 3) 'DEF')
│┌→────┐ ┌→──┐│
││1 2 3│ │DEF││
│└─────┘ └───┘│
      ⍴1 2 3 'DEF'
      ⍴1 2 3 'D' 'E' 'F'
      8⎕CR ((1 2) (3 4)) 2 3
│┌→──────────┐ 2 3│
││┌→──┐ ┌→──┐│    │
│││1 2│ │3 4││    │
││└───┘ └───┘│    │
│└∊──────────┘    │
      X←2 2⍴⍳4
      8⎕CR (X Y)  ⍝ Variables entered in vector form
│┌→──┐ ┌→────┐│
│↓1 2│ │HELLO││
││3 4│ └─────┘│
│└───┘        │
      ⍴X Y

Variables and Indexing

Nothing new too.

LIST←12 24 36 48

ALF[26 1 13 2 9 1]

TABLE←10×2 4⍴⍳8
(⍴TABLE[1;2 3])=(⍴1),⍴2 3

ALF[2 2⍴⍳4]
⍴TABLE[1;]      Rows indexed by scalar, result is vector
⍴TABLE[,1;]     Rows indexed by vector, result is matrix
⍴TABLE[1 11;]  Rows indexed by matrix, result is cube

The Index () function

TABLE[1;2]=1 2⌷TABLE

(⊂3 4)⌷⍳5    Use a nested scalar for multiple index.

TAB←2 5⍴⍳10

2 3⌷TAB
2 (2 3)⌷TAB      2nd element of indexing vec is an enclosed vec
Nested 2-elts vector for multiple indexes.
Result is a submatrix of TAB located at
rows 1 2, columns 2 3.
(1 2) (2 3)⌷TAB

An empty left argument is OK for index when
a scalar is the right argument. This returns
the scalar itself.

Multiple Specification

Nothing new here as well.

(A B C)←1 2 3
A ◊ B ◊ C

(A B C)←5
A ◊ B ◊ C

⍴A   See that A received 'HI' only

⍴A   All three variables received a vec of the three char vecs
8⎕CR A

Selective Specification

Some functions in APL can be used to select portions of an array. When associated with assignment, they can be used to assign values to portions of such array.

Bracket indexing is the easiest example.

TAB←2 3⍴⍳6

Let's assign the first three elements of a vector by using the Take (dyadic ) function.

│ABC 4 5│

Let's use the Ravel (monadic ,) on a matrix to assign a new vector value to it:

(,MAT)←'NEW DATAHERE'  Ravelled matrix appears as a vector
8⎕CR MAT               Assignment occurs in matrix itself
↓NEW │

Now let's combine Compression (dyadic /) and Ravel (monadic ,) to select all A's on the matrix, and replace them by asterisk:

↓NEW │

We can also combine Take (dyadic ) and Ravel (monadic ,) to replace elements at the top-left 2×2 submatrix of MAT:

(,2 2↑MAT)←'⎕⎕⎕⎕'
↓⎕⎕W │

We can also use the Compression (/) function for selection.

TABLE←3 4⍴⍳12
(1 0 1 0/TABLE)←3 2100
↓1  2  3  4│
│5  6  7  8│
│9 10 11 12│
↓100  2 100  4│
│100  6 100  8│
│100 10 100 12│

In the next example, we have a vector X. We want to replace the first ⍴X elements of DATA with the contents of X.

│1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13│
│10 20 30 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13│

Replace the first X+2 elements of Y with the reverse of a vector containing numbers 1 up to X+2:

8⎕CR Y

8⎕CR Y
│1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10│
│5 4 3 2 1 6 7 8 9 10│

We can use Enlist (monadic ) to remove nesting from an array.

8⎕CR NEST←(2 2⍴⍳4) 'TEXT' (3 1⍴⍳3)

Set specific position to number

Set specific position to character vector (text).
For that, introduce extra nesting to the new text.
│┌→──┐ ┌→───┐ ┌→┐│
│↓1 2│ │TEXT│ ↓1││
││3 4│ └────┘ │2││
│└───┘        │3││
│             └─┘│
│┌→──┐ ┌→──────┐ ┌→┐│
│↓0 0│ │0 0 0 0│ ↓0││
││0 0│ └───────┘ │0││
│└───┘           │0││
│                └─┘│
│┌→──┐ ┌→────────┐ ┌→┐│
│↓0 0│ │0 999 0 0│ ↓0││
││0 0│ └─────────┘ │0││
│└───┘             │0││
│                  └─┘│
│┌→──┐ ┌→─────────────┐ ┌→┐│
│↓0 0│ │0 999 ┌→───┐ 0│ ↓0││
││0 0│ │      │TEXT│  │ │0││
│└───┘ │      └────┘  │ │0││
│      └∊─────────────┘ └─┘│

The function First (monadic ) selects the first element of an array. Here, we shall replace the first 2×2 matrix of NEST by a character vector.


So, the sky is the limit. For more info, see this page.

Binding Strengths

In general, APL evaluates from right to left. However, some elements can be said to have stronger binding.

Here is a descending list of binding strength.

Binding Bound items
Brackets [] Brackets to object to the left
Specification left to object on its left
Right operand Dyadic operator to its right operand
Vector Array to array
Left operand Operator to its left operand
Left argument Function to left argument
Right argument Function to right argument
Specification right to object on its right

And parentheses can override the binding strength hierarchy.

For more info, see this page.

Pervasive Functions

There are Scalar and Mixed functions in APL. Scalar functions have the property of being pervasive, that is, they apply to all levels of nesting on the data.

Here are some scalar functions:

+ - × ÷ | ⌈ ⌊ * ⍟ ○ ! ^ ∨ ⍲ ⍱ < ≤ = ≥ > ≠
Monadic ~
Monadic ?

For more info, see this page.

OO, Classes and Inheritance

GNU APL does not support object orientation, therefore I will not be covering it. However, Dyalog APL does.

Object-oriented APL information can be found on this page.


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